Friday, April 29, 2011

Cindy in Chicago - Day Eight

Average wait time at the University of IL: 180 days. Days I've waited on the list: 175

Moving day today. I'll be busy till the afternoon. Some amazing person and peoples helped get me a room in the city of Chicago--real close to the hospital.  Wowza! I think this'll be the last move before the call; the we-have-a-donor-pancreas for you call. So keep an eye out here. I'll post a quick update when "it's time."

Here's something else everyone should travel with--a small, two cup hot pot. No, you can hardly find them in any stores, online, from Amazon or SkyMall or Really. I peruse the thrift stores and watch for it at garage sales. Never paid more than $3.00. Great for tea, Starbucks VIA, instant soup. I have three so when one dies, I can replace it. Stock up as long as I find them.

Probably will have better updates and pics once I move into the city. Yahooo...

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