Friday, September 14, 2012

2012 The Sky is Falling

Back in May, my husband, John, brought me this tiny egg. He was mowing the lawn and found it before sucking it up into the lawn mower.

His callous hands held the little treasure. "it must have fallen from the nest," he said as he handed me the fragile object.

I took it and held it up to the light from the window. It revealed soft hues of white and yellow. But no dark silhouette from a fledgling bird.

"They tossed the egg from the nest because it's not fertile," I told John. He returned to mowing and I laid the delicate egg on a towel.

It's still there in my kitchen as September 2012 ushers us to the end of the year. It's been an overwhelming year for me. I don't want it to end. I don't feel like I got everything done. I feel robbed of things I hoped for. And the little egg makes me think of the unfulfilled dreams gone by.

December 2012 is supposed to be the end-- again, of our world. It's merely superstition and an epic fail with a calendar. I'm not worried about the sky falling in December. I am concerned about my dreams falling infertile like the small egg.

But with the unfathomable trials I suffered in 2012, I still believe God is always directing me. One day my dreams and desires will hatch.

What dreams are you waiting for? Do you hold infertile expectations in your hand?

Lay them down and wait.

3 In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait in expectation.

Psalm 5:3, NIV1984

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