Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cindy in Chicago - Day Nine

Average wait time at the University of IL: 180 days. Days I've waited on the list: 176

Spent a lot of time in my apartment today. I guess I'm trying to complete my bucket list. But it's not really a bucket list--more like a a complete-it-before-surgery-list. I have to come up with a euphemism for this situation. Maybe a...well, send me one in a comment if you come up with an appropriate phrase.

My list includes lot's of computer time: update teen site, changes and final work for book two, email composed to send out when I get "the call," paperwork, writing, blogging, twittering, facebooking, updating, contemplating, listing, waiting, whining, crying, wondering; yikes.

But being on the 38th floor, far above the city, provides awesome views. Someone donated seven days in an executive apartment and after that, I can have it for a discounted rate. I have to complete an application for the NFT--National Foundation for Transplants. If I can gather up a couple of friends--they help with fund raising for my expenses. It's a great program.

Here are some pics of my place:

Looking North Over Chicago

My Living Room - For Now

I'm on the 38th Floor - For Now

Where I'm at - For Now

Nighttime View
Walking the City of Chicago

The accommodations are great--the waiting--incommodious--Webster's idea of "inconvenient, as not affording sufficient space or room; uncomfortable" While I have abundant room(s), the time passing can be suffocating. But ya know, this will end one day soon. I have to get out of my pity party today.

In fact, because of a dear friend back home in Spokane, I met a college student from Moody Bible College. We're going to walk to the sandwich shop and visit. Yay!

And then there's Lenee--whom without, my visit here to Chicago would have been unbearable!

AMAZING friend, Lenee. My saving angel! Greek food, a Greek Mamma, and fun!
Visit me at

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