Sunday, May 22, 2011

Cindy in Chicago - Day Two of Freedom


Making great strides. Nose tube out. Liquid diet. Oh, God help me. Why do hospitals serve GREEN jello? I took a few pics. Still not needing pain meds. Prayer and the power of the mind. I have faith in a God much bigger than me and my miniscule health issues. Others in this world are suffering far worse than me right now. I am blessed to have this opportunity to live longer!

So no more diabetes. I feel stable--balanced. I feel free to live although I still suffer with a heart transplant, cancer, skin cancer, and all the other issues. BUT I have a new chance to live much longer than expected.

Average stay in this ICU unit after a pancreas transplant is 7-10 days. I'm bucking to get out soon. 8^)

Oh, and how cool. I'm staying alongside the Walter Payton Liver center. We talk about hm often during Donate Life Today! presentations. Football player extraordinaire, he could not receive a liver transplant in time. Money and fame DO NOT put you ahead of other people. His generosity is helping many in need of a liver transplant.

Are you signed up to be an organ donor? 18 people die each day waiting for an organ transplant. There are more than 110,000 people on the list. NO myths you have heard are true. Check out for information.

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